Learn what the User-Agent header is, how it identifies the browser, operating system, and version of the requesting user agent, and how to parse it. See examples of different User-Agent strings for various browsers and devices.
2 weeks ago - On the Web, a user agent is a software agent responsible for retrieving and facilitating end-user interaction with Web content. This includes all web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Safari, some email clients, standalone download managers like youtube-dl, and other command-line utilities ...
Der User Agent bildet dabei die Schnittstelle zum Benutzer, die Inhalte des Dienstes darstellt und Befehle des Benutzers entgegennimmt. Beispiele für User ...
A user agent is a computer program representing a person, for example, a browser in a Web context. Besides a browser, a user agent could be a bot scraping webpages, a download manager, or another app accessing the Web.
Der HTTP User-Agent Request-Header ist eine charakteristische Zeichenfolge, die Servern und Netzwerkpartnern ermöglicht, die Anwendung, das Betriebssystem, ...
The User-Agent (UA) string is contained in the HTTP headers and is intended to identify devices requesting online content. The User-Agent tells the server what the visiting device is (among many other things) and this information can be used to determine what content to return.
Unter dem User Agent versteht man einen Teil des HTTP-Headers, der bei einem HTTP-Request übermittelt wird. Der User Agent übermittelt dem Server dabei ...
Diese Seite zeigt Ihnen, was Ihr Webbrowser im "User-Agent" -Header für Ihre HTTP-Anfragen sendet. Möchten Sie wissen, welche Header Ihr Browser sendet?
What Is a User Agent? A browser's user agent string (UA) helps identify which browser is being used, what version, and on which operating system. When feature detection APIs are not available, use the UA to customize behavior or content to specific browser versions.
Useragents.me provides a self-updating list of user agents seen on the web across all device types, operating systems, and browsers. You can view, download, or get the list as JSON or TSV, and see the relative share of each user agent.
Learn what the User-Agent header is and how it identifies the browser and OS of the client making the request. See examples of User-Agent strings for common browsers and devices and why they matter for web browsing.
A user agent is a "string" - that is, a line of text - identifying the browser and operating system to the web server. This sounds simple, but user agents have become a mess over time. The Basics When your browser connects to a website, it includes a User-Agent field in its HTTP header. The contents of the user agent field vary from ...
Using the user agent to detect the browser looks simple, but doing it well is, in fact, a very hard problem. This document will guide you in doing this as correctly as possible. Note: It's worth re-iterating: it's very rarely a good idea to use user agent sniffing. You can almost always find a better, more broadly compatible way to solve your ...
User Agent Client Hints (UA-CH) is a new standard being developed by the Chrome team at Google. UA-CH aims to address some of the limitations and privacy concerns associated with traditional user agent strings by allowing browsers to send only the information that the server explicitly requests.
Ever needed to quickly switch between user-agent strings on the fly? Developing a site that needs to work on both mobile browsers and desktop browsers? Sick of some archaic site blocking you because you're not using Netscape 4? The User-Agent Switcher for Chrome is the answer.
29.12.2022 — Der User-Agent ist ein HTTP-Header, den Dein Browser beim Aufruf einer URL an den Server schickt. Mit dem User-Agent erfährt die Website ...
Understand what information is contained in a Chrome user agent string. Get an analysis of your or any other user agent string. Find lists of user agent strings from browsers, crawlers, spiders, bots, validators and others..
Google-Crawler erfassen und scannen Websites. In dieser Übersicht findest du Informationen zu gängigen Google-Crawlern wie z. B. dem Googlebot-User-Agent.
2 days ago - Skip to main content · Chromebook Help · Sign in · Google Help · Help Center · Community · Chromebook · Terms of Service · Submit feedback · Send feedback on
Ein User Agent ist eine Client-Anwendung, die mit einem bestimmten Netzwerkprotokoll verwendet wird. Der Begriff wird im Allgemeinen für Anwendungen ...
Ein User Agent (abgekürzt: UA) ist ein Programm, das mit Servern in einem Netzwerk kommuniziert. Dies kann beispielsweise ein Web Browser sein, der eine ...
22.01.2024 — Ein User Agent ist eine Softwareanwendung oder ein Programmcode, der auf einem Endgerät wie einem Computer oder einem Smartphone läuft und dazu ...
A user agent is a string of text that is sent by a web browser to a web server to identify itself and provide information about the browser's capabilities.
In DAFO framework, the environment is also defined by the optimization problem, which is provided and specified by the user. Table 6 also evidences this relation between the environment in which the agents act and the solution space of the problem to be solved.